Practice Makes Perfect


To get 6th to 10 class Notes

“SCERT” AND “NCERT” Introduced this “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation” to evaluating the student's performance to understand the points of improvement in their progress. “Grammar included embedded CCE process Grammar is the way we arrange words to make proper sentences. Word level grammar covers verbs and tenses, nouns, adverbs etc. Sentence level grammar covers phrases, clauses, reported speech etc. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) is a method of evaluating the students.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I want Peace

 I want Peace

How well did I read the poem?

Fill in the boxes using yes/somewhat/no
I enjoyed reading poemYes
I got the idea of the poem on way ownSomewhat
I got the idea with the help of my friend in the groupNo
The teacher helped me to understand the poemYes
I used the glossary given at the end of the poemYes

 Answer the following questions:-

(1) What does the earth to have and why?

Answer:- The earth wish to help poor people because the earth hear the sound of helplessness.

(2) “I am big and round” what do you think is suggested by the repetition of this line?

Answer:- “I am big and round” repeated because our mother earth want to help the people.

(3) Was the earth happy or sorrowful? Give reasons for your opinion.

Answer:- The earth was sorrowful. Because the people who are living on her are crying for life and they are facing many problems.


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